Why Cloud is the Best to Host Your Blog
Why Cloud is the Best to Host Your Blog

You have two options once your blog is ready to go online – Either purchase a server, setup a mini datacenter and host your blog or get a hosting solution from a web hosting provider. The first option is quite complicated and takes a good amount of time to get things running. Blog owners prefer the second option though. 

The second option (web hosting package from providers) give you more options. One of those options would be to choose between a cloud hosting package and traditional hosting package. Considering the benefits and a couple of other factors, cloud hosting is the best choice to set up a blog. 

Why? Here’s an overview.

Traditional hosting packages come in broad categories that include VPS, shared and dedicated server hosting. They are all viable options of course, depending on the goal of your blog, how you want to grow it, and the future you want for it. For instance, if you don’t intend to monetize your blog, you can start your venture with a shared hosting package, which is the cheapest. 

You will be sharing space with other websites in a single server. That’s the idea of shared hosting. Dedicated hosting, on the other hand, gives you a server and all its resources for your use only. You don’t have to purchase a server yourself. Security is not an issue, and the hosting provider will manage the maintenance aspect. Dedicated hosting is actually a bit expensive for those reasons. 

Cloud hosting is a different story. Not just one but several servers (in the cloud) store the site in them. So traffic spikes and single server failures will not be affecting the accessibility of your blog. There also won’t be any noticeable drop in website speed. 

Cloud hosting merits

Cloud hosting has always been at the top in terms of reliability and speed. The site owners won’t be experiencing a lot of downtimes or loss of data if the website is in the cloud. This is particularly useful for a blog with a lot of traffic. It makes sure the blog is accessible to everyone who wants to check it at any point of time. 

Cloud hosting solutions are also cost-effective as users need pay only for what they use. Because the cloud is about a virtual environment of interconnected servers, the user won’t have to purchase additional equipment. It’s also worth mentioning that clients of cloud hosting solutions won’t have to manually add or remove resources when necessary. It’s automatic. You can use just the right amount of those extra resources, and pay for only the amount you used. Bandwidth and storage space also increases when needed.


Although cloud technology has been around for some time now, it’s only started becoming popular recently. The blogging community has recently started accepting the technology to host blogs. Though there are other types of cheaper hosting packages available, for a blogger who wants a reliable, scalable and cost-effective hosting solution, cloud hosting is certainly the right choice.