A Few Reasons for Why ASP.NET Is Prerequisite For Enterprise Web Applications
A Few Reasons for Why ASP.NET Is Prerequisite For Enterprise Web Applications

ASP.NET Development has become the most sought-after Microsoft Technology by developers today. And it is rightfully so. Microsoft has raised this leading development platform with a visionary approach and rigorous road map followed for all under its ecosystem including the .Net family. Along with other front-runners like Azure, has make it a comprehensive package for web development. 

Microsoft ASP.NET framework is currently the most sought-after development frameworks for building enterprise applications by enterprise application management services companies’ world over. It is Visual Studio that makes the ASP.NET framework popular and user friendly. It is not confined to scripting languages but also ensure the use of languages like C#, J#, VB etc.  

The Key Features of ASP.NET Core MVC

ASP.NET brings in the following key strengths to consolidate its strength as the most sought-after development framework.

Platform Independent

In contrast to the .Net framework, ASP.NET can run on different platforms. A component of Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, is the development tool for ASP.NET that ensures the development of applications in Linux and Mac operating systems. 

This cross-platform capability of ASP.NET is leveraged by .Net developers to develop single applications in Linux and Mac operating system.

Added Advantage of Being Open Source 

ASP.NET Core is an open source framework that enables retaining of modularity along project development environment to simplify coding. It also provides the added flexibility to supplement libraries and framework component that are required for .NET application deployment. 

The NuGet package provides the advantage of managing runtime. One can also add on .NET Core libraries as well as ASP.NET Core framework as and when the project requires.

Improved Assistance for Cloud Deployment

Cloud deployment support is boosted by the modular architecture of this framework. The flexible environment and extended modularity offered by ASP.NET Core MVC enables building applications that are available to be deployed on the cloud. 

Supports Hosting Independence

With ASP.NET Core application development, the applications deployed on web servers other than the Internet Information Services. The reason behind it is that as ASP.NET Core supports cross-platform, it could not keep the application relying on IIS.

Ages ago IIS was the default server for ASP.NET applications. Furthermore ASP.NET Core gave a stipulation of OWIN (Open Web interface for .NET) application.

Recently Introduced Tag Helpers

Tag helpers are a recently introduced in ASP.NET Core framework. The Tag Helpers facilitates the server-side code to participate in involve in building and rendering HTML elements in Razor files.  You can also employ them to define custom tags like <environment> or to modify the behavior of prevailing tags such as <label>. It can also be used to replace HTML helper methods in some instances as it is easy to use.

Moreover, Visual Studio, IDE for .NET facilitate the creation of HTML elements with Tag Helpers in an improved way to the surprise of many Asp.Net MVC development companies.

ASP.NET becomes a Prerequisite

As ASP.NET Core MVC offers so many advantages over the previous versions, it is opted to by web developers for building high-end enterprise applications. Its vibrant community is also another added advantage.