The Many Benefits of Using ASP.NET Web APIs
The Many Benefits of Using ASP.NET Web APIs

ASP.NET Web APIs are the result of the efforts from WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) and the ASP.NET community to create a great web API framework. This article details how ASP.NET Web APIs benefit application development using one of the most popular Microsoft Technology solutions in the world.

A good definition of ASP.NET Web API is that it’s a framework used for creating HTTP services that reach a broad range of web browsers and mobile devices. Any trusted software development company in Dubai offering ASP.NET services should be capable of leveraging APIs effectively to ensure top notch services for the developed applications. The APIs provide them with many benefits. Here are a few to take note of.

  • Simplified abstraction is one of the main benefits that can be leveraged from web APIs. For instance, a simple web API can be created to wrap an HttpMessageHandler, which executes the function of taking HttpRequestMessage and returning a task.
  • It helps developers take complete control over the way they send and respond to HTTP protocol messages.
  • Content negotiation is another great benefit or rather a feature that enables developers to return a single type of serialization after decoupling the API code’s intent from serialization mechanics.
  • Content negotiation is also a testament to the great flexibility web APIs provide.
  • Full support for ASP.NET Routing.
  • Unit tests are easier thanks to ASP.NET Web APIs.
  • Lightweight architecture makes them a great choice to build applications for devices having limited bandwidth.

 These are but a few main benefits of APIs. Web APIs serve many purposes when it comes to ASP.NET development services for an organization providing the same. The devs would be able to create resource-oriented services over HTTP or a web service that doesn’t require SOAP. 

To conclude, ASP.NET Web APIs are core elements of ASP.NET development. Hopefully, the article gave you good insights on how beneficial these APIs can be.