Single Page Applications (SPAs) are all the rage these days. The demand for SPAs has somewhat impacted the growth of the ASP.NET development services industry. But are SPAs the only worthy choice of web architecture one should go for? 

Not necessarily.

SPAs do come with a couple of advantages over MVC’s multiple page application structure. But the same goes for MVC as well. Both has their fair share of pros and cons. And each one comes with tradeoffs. Some of those tradeoffs aren’t there anymore as technologies advanced. And it’s still worth it to invest in the services from an ASP.NET MVC development company.

Let’s explore that starting with the key traits of SPAs.

  • SPAs require JavaScript-enabled clients
  • Large initial page load
  • HTML renders with client JavaScript
  • No server-side HTML rendering
  • Capable of taking large amounts of traffic loads & optimized for DDOS scenarios
  • Diverse and constantly evolving frameworks and libraries
  • Longer learning curves
  • Not a great choice for eCommerce websites or Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • Difficult to optimize for search engines
  • Limits apps to a single point of entry

Now we will cross-check these traits with the present application development trends.

  • Clients are more frequently JS-enabled nowadays and are more powerful
  • The increasing number of internet users result in applications experiencing DDOS-sized traffic loads
  • Web servers are now horizontally scalable and much cheaper thanks to the cloud and containers
  • SEO is a major necessity


Many companies offering a wide range of IT services including CMS development, PHP development, SharePoint development services etc. are willing to invest in technologies, which also include web architectures, that enable them to build ‘digital solutions of the future’. While SPAs are generally considered as a reliable option for significant performance gains, its presence doesn’t threaten the existence of MVC.

SPAs will continue to grow with even more benefits and applicability. But with the decreasing costs of web server HTML rendering and a number of other reasons, MVC will be staying for a long while. MVC architecture still enjoys great demand for apps with limited number of users or limited development budgets. It is also considered for its SEO-friendliness i.e. it’s much easier to search engine optimize MVC’s multiple page applications.