An Introduction to LAMP Development
An Introduction to LAMP Development

LAMP is the best platform for speedy development in an aggressive market for developing cheap, reliable, and scalable open source e-commerce applications. LAMP is an abbreviation for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (or Perl/Python). 

  • Linux: Linux is a free and open source operating system (OS) with an extensive worldwide user base. It offers more flexibility and configuration options than other operating systems.
  • Apache: The Apache web server is an open source, matured feature-rich server that operates most websites. It processes requests and services web resources via HTTP so that the application is available to anybody in the public sphere with a simple URL. 
  • MySQL: MySQL is an open source relational database management system for storing application data. With SQL, data can be stored in a format that can be easily queried with SQL language. Moreover, it is apt for operating large and complex sites.
  • PHP: The PHP open source scripting language helps in creating dynamic web pages. It is renowned for easier, fun, and efficient programming. You can opt for Perl, PHP, Python as per preference.   

How the Components Interact With Each Other? 

A top-level look at the LAMP stack task order shows how the components interact with each other. The operation starts when the Apache web server gets requests for web pages from a user’s browser. 

If the demand is for a PHP file, Apache sends a request to PHP, which loads the file and implements the code written inside the file. PHP also communicates with MySQL to get any data mentioned in the code.  

PHP then executes the code in the file and fetches the data from the database to create the HTML that browsers use to display web pages.

The LAMP stack can easily handle not only static as well as dynamic web pages where the content may modify each time it is loaded depending on various factors like date, time, user identity.

After executing the file code, PHP then transfers the resulting data back to the Apache web server to send to the browser. 

It can also save this new information on to the MySQL database. On top of it, all these operations are enabled by the Linux operating system running at the bottom of the stack.

Here are some of the big benefits LAMP has to offer for software development companies in Dubai.


Although LAMP uses Linux as the OS, you can always utilize other components with other operating systems to meet specific requirements. For instance, WAMP stack uses windows as the operating system, MAMP with the Mac OS and WIMP uses windows and the Internet Information Services webserver from Microsoft. As LAMP is open source and non-proprietary, lock-in can be avoided.

There is flexibility for companies offering LAMP Development Services to choose the most suitable components for specific projects or business needs. LAMP offers flexibility in other forms as well.

Apache follows a modular design approach and there is an array of customizable modules available for many different extensions. These modules include support for other languages to authentication capabilities.


LAMP can help in reduction of development time. The reason behind it is the vibrant ecosystem that has been available for more than a decade. You can build upon the work of others and make it your very own. 

For instance, you can work within an Apache module that provides an eighty percent of the result while allowing you to customize the last twenty percent and save significant amount of time as a result.