Factors to Look For While Choosing A CMS
Factors to Look For While Choosing A CMS

While setting up a new blog or website you always come across the question of which content management system is best suited for your needs. There are basically three factors to consider while choosing the best CMS for your work, they are:

Available Plugins and Themes

Plugins or extensions intends to extend the functionality of the key features available in a CMS. The extensions will enable you to save a lot of time during open source CMS development while adding extra functionalities to your project.

Along with the functionalities website design also matters. Hence, you need to ensure that the chosen CMS offers sufficient design template/theme choices so that the appearance of the website can be customized as required. 

User Interface

A good user interface implies an easy to use web application i.e you need not waste a lot of time figuring out how to do things. Obviously, the easier to manage and create your site, the better it is.


Customization narrows down to your personal preferences. If you are a small- to medium-sized businesses or has a basic website with few dynamic elements (or none at all) or organizations who unwilling to invest in non-invoiced tools it is advisable to stick to standard content management systems.

On the other hand if you are a company focused on software development services in Dubai that wish to maintain full ownership of both offline and online efforts, then a fully customizable solution is your go to option. But to customize a lot of elements to your satisfaction- you should be careful with the available options. Moreover there is a learning curve- irrespective of the CMS you prefer to work with. 

WordPress, Joomla, Drupal are the three major CMS available coming with their own set of rules. The company offering your business technology advisory services will guide you in choosing the right open source CMS.