How Cloud is Changing the LAMP Stack
How Cloud is Changing the LAMP Stack

The LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) has been the established standard for the website, software, and IT standard for the companies offering LAMP development services for many years. But in the recent past, the cloud and other latest architecture models have been gaining more dominance.

This has encouraged by many industry professionals to argue that the LAMP stack is turning obsolete. Opinions differ on the matter, but it is noticeably clear that the rise in cloud services is making a huge impact.  


Impact of the Cloud on LAMP Stacking

Together with cloud migration, a modular way of approaching the software architecture has suddenly brought in the established LAMP model look slightly aged. Software companies in Dubai moved to the cloud as dynamic software solutions became available as services and hyper-efficient API made data exchange the standard. 

Having said that, the cloud hasn’t been globally adopted, and in some cases, LAMP stacking models are still very much relevant to satisfy the need of end-users.

Also, the security risks presented by cloud computing has made businesses in       

sensitive industries, such as finance, online commerce, education, big data, and healthcare wary of making the switch to cloud.

What Caused the Change?

While it may be too early to claim the death of the LAMP model, there is no doubt that cloud is fast gaining momentum. Here are some factors that are encouraging software development companies in UAE to make the switch.   

Continuous deployment is usually effortless through the cloud than it is via the monolithic LAMP architecture. Cloud makes it possible for companies to present users with the latest features instantly, along with the adjustments based on incoming and outbound website traffic.

Cloud modules also demand less updates and bug fixes that are required by LAMP stacks. It also makes it easier for tools, even the latest integrated ones to collaborate with each other. This leads to a simpler system and network management and efficient resource usage. 

Cloud technologies also offer the advantage of scalability than LAMP technologies, and their scalability is far more budget-friendly. Moreover, cloud technologies are easier to customize, and are, generally more flexible than LAMP-driven technologies. It also supports real-time teamwork and communication features making it a much-preferred option for businesses that rely on communication speed and efficiency while LAMP stacking really struggles to stack up in this regard.