Key Features of Microsoft SharePoint 2019
Key Features of Microsoft SharePoint 2019

SharePoint is a widely used microsoft technology solution is a collaboration and sharing platform. It is a platform to create websites or team sites where you will have access to features allowing you and your team to work together. We can create workflows and automate daily tasks to stay organised and save time.

Here are some key features of SharePoint 2019 

  1. Modern SharePoint Team Sites: SharePoint most important feature is collaboration and sharing. It allows your team to work well together. Its Modern SharePoint Team Sites are responsive by default, include an out of the box news publishing engine, allowing users to share news with the rest of the team.   
  2. Modern Search Experience: Another key feature of SharePoint is the Modern Search Experience. SharePoint provides awesome search capabilities allowing us to search all the content we have created. Modern search experience of SharePoint, makes it easier for users to find documents, list items and people inside the SharePoint environment. As we can also search on all the sites that we have access to but because we’ve gathered all content in one place, we can have insight that we couldn’t attain.
  3. The SharePoint Home: Our next new significant feature in SharePoint On-Premises is the SharePoint Home. We can create site collections with many different websites and subsites and then invite members of our team to work on a site and easily collaborate. The SharePoint Home brings all the news from Team Sites and Communication sites together in a single location. All the sites you follow are also brought together, including activity from each site, and quick access to your favourite sites.
  4. Power Bi Report Server Integration: SharePoint’s search capabilities give us newer insights to our data. Using its Power BI Report Server stunning reports can be created from the insights and can be easily displayed using SharePoint Server 2019.

SharePoint is already a favourite for companies offering enterprise application services. Implementing SharePoint software is the easiest step. The work done prior to implementation is what counts. Getting a clear picture of what you need SharePoint to do for your company is critical.

Initiate the process off with consultant offering SharePoint development services or anyone who has the ability to do accurate business analysis with you. Then draw out a site map, figure out how it would work and take advantage of their best practice experience. Once the implementation is done, considerable training should be provided to the staff on a continuous basis.