Read More About Software Development Life Cycle
Read More About Software Development Life Cycle

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is the detailed process used in software engineering to design, develop, and finally test high-quality software products. The SDLC focuses to yield high-quality software that meets the client views, gets concluded within the time and cost estimations.

What is SDLC?

SDLC is a framework describing tasks executed at each stage in the software development process. It consists of a thorough strategy defining how to develop, maintain, replace and enhance specific software. The life cycle outlines an approach for improving the value of software and the IT Software Companies in Dubai.

Which are the different SDLC phases?

SDLC includes the following stages or phases.

1. Planning and Requirement Analysis

Requirement analysis is the most significant and major stage in the SDLC. It is accomplished by the proficient members of the team with feedback from the customer, the sales section, market studies, and field experts in the industry. This data is then used to plan the basic project tactic and to carry out a product feasibility study in the economical, technical, and operational areas.

2: Defining the Requirements

Once the analysis of requirements gets finished, the subsequent step is to visibly explain and document the requirements of the product and get them validated by the customer and the market specialists. This is prepared through an SRS (Software Requirement Specification) document which comprises all the product requirements to be designed and developed throughout the project life cycle.


3: Designing the Product Architecture

SRS is the key reference for product engineers to emerge with the top architecture for the product to be developed. Focussed on the requirements specified in the SRS, more than one design practice for the product construction is suggested and recorded in a DDS, that is, the Design Document Specification.

This DDS is revised by all the chief stakeholders and based on several parameters as risk calculation, design modularity, budget, product robustness, and time constraints, the best design method is chosen for the product.


4: Developing the Product

In this phase of SDLC, the actual development begins and the product gets built. The programming code is created as per DDS during this step. If the design is made in an in-depth and structured manner, code generation can be achieved without much hassle.


5: Testing the Product

This phase is typically a subset of all the phases as in the modern SDLC models of the software development companies in Dubai, the testing events are mostly involved in all the steps of SDLC. This phase mentions the testing of the product only, where product faults are informed, tracked, fixed, and retested until the product meets its quality standards detailed in the SRS.


6: Product Deployment in the Market and its Maintenance

Once the product is tested and is prepared to be deployed, it is released officially in the fitting market. Its maintenance is also followed, based on the feedback from the existing customers. For a smooth running of software development, most of the software companies in UAE prefer to follow upon of Software Development Life Cycle properly.