How to increase Speed in Software Development
How to increase Speed in Software Development

There is always the pressure to produce more in less time especially in software development. Hence it is extremely necessary for software development teams to re-examine the expectations, stresses, and responsibilities they place on developers. Here let’s examine some ways to increase speed in development without compromising on employee productivity or quality.

1.      Strategically Adjust Your Team's Size


When work starts piling up in software development companies in UAE, it is natural to think about hiring more people to do the work. Although hiring new people will increase your development speed in the long run, it will certainly bring down the speed for a short while. This is because of two reasons. One interviewing takes out time from important tasks for developers. Two, the training time to mentor the new hire properly.

Also, larger the team means more team coordination activities and more time will be spent on poorly conducted meetings or activities that don’t directly add value.

When hiring more people, consider splitting your team into small manageable semi-autonomous functional units with the capability of making important decisions and moving large portions of your project forward. This way of divide and conquer ensure that some part of your development project is always making progress.


2.      Investing on Skill Level

If hiring immediately is out of bounds for you, consider increasing the skill level of the development team in your software company in Dubai, UAE. Developers with higher skill level quickly solve problems and create less complex solutions.

Although this might not happen overnight, you can still encourage your developers towards continuous learning and skill development. Offer pay hikes for courses learned and for conferences attended. Conduct internal conferences or employee led conferences to facilitate knowledge sharing.

Dedicate time in your work week entirely for skill development or pet projects. If there is an urgent need for skilled hands, consider hiring experienced ones who can execute more complex works in shorter periods of time. Hiring inexperienced developers cannot be bad investment move if they have a willingness to learn. Investing on skill levels will not only improve product quality but also the development speed.

3.      Decrease System Complexity


Although complexity is inevitable in software development it is also a hindrance. As a system becomes more complicated, it would be difficult to introduce new features, find and fix bugs and the like.

Also this can be overcome by up skilling your developers because skilled developers tend to build less complex systems, while inexperienced ones tend to develop fragile, overcomplicated solutions

4.      Reduce Rework

There are three major sources of rework for development teams offering software development services in Dubai.

·          Bugs

·         Vague Requirements

·         Faulty Task Completion


Although it is close to impossible to avoid rework in its entirety, you should try to minimize by the avoiding the above listed sources.


Find and Fix Bugs Early

Bugs cannot be avoided in software development, but it is also important to find and fix them sooner than later.  It would be easier to find bugs by developers who have a fresher memory of the code in question. On the other hand, having longer testing cycle, can bring down bug-fixing speed. Plus, the longer it takes to find new bugs, the more expensive it is to fix.


            Be Specific in Requirements


Clear and precise specifications are necessary to help developers have a better understanding of the solution, bring down the number of bugs, reduce rework and save a lot of time.

A majority of bugs arises from unclear requirements and vagueness in understanding of the final product from the start.




There is no one size fits all solution to increasing speed of software development. You can’t put too much pressure on your employees neither can you blindly cut corners and focus only on value-added activities.

Despite all, you can take into account multiple factors that impact software development and aligning your approach to find methods, processes, tools, and best practices that work for your team.