Software Engineering Transformation in 2019 - What You Need to Know
Software Engineering Transformation in 2019 - What You Need to Know

In the modern world, businesses aiming to prosper in the digital economy will need to be mindful of technological advancements and buzzing trends. If they don't get it right and adapt accordingly to the changes around them, they will run inevitably run out of steam. Many startups sprout up in the software development Dubai industry every year. But only a few of them manage to thrive.

In an environment that's continuously disrupted, businesses will have to transform themselves over and over again. In Software Engineering, the scenario is similar and very much competitive. As 2019 begins, companies providing enterprise application services can only make it big if they can not only develop robust, high quality software but also have a transformation strategy in place to achieve their goals. 

There are many approaches to this kind of transformation. In this article, we will discuss a few approaches software engineering businesses should focus on in order to transform healthily to survive in 2019's highly competitive market. 

Adopt test automation

A seemingly easy approach that's not easy to implement, test automation is something that can help a business stand out from competitors who are reluctant to change their old ways. Only a few manual tests will remain in the software company's ecosystem. Though the impact to the business as a whole is somewhat limited, test automation does come with considerable quality and productivity benefits. 

Agile transformation

Agile transformation doesn't bring forth any changes to software delivery. This approach also comes with a lot of challenges that an enterprise should tackle. Despite its limited impact with respect to business growth, many organizations in the Middle East choose this route as it doesn't require any major up-front investment. Though difficult, if done right, it's possible to achieve great product agility which could make the enterprise competent in this age. Many organizations in UAE rely on business technology advisory services to implement Agile flawlessly in their ecosystem. 

Engineering transformation

This approach is more of a combination of the first two approaches discussed in this article. Agile is adopted and test automation is implemented. In addition, software delivery is automated. This essentially transforms Quality Assurance into Quality Engineering granting the organization significant benefits including improved speed, productivity, and quality. This is what organizations should try to achieve in 2019 for faster delivery without compromising quality. And this would make a difference in 2019 for a software engineering company in UAE.