Walking Through the Golden Age of Software Development
Walking Through the Golden Age of Software Development

The world is now consumed by software in many forms, some of which difficult to even comprehend. Almost everything we do can be mediated through code that runs on machines - mobile devices, smart TVs, desktops etc., that do the job. With the increasing dominance of cloud, tasks like that can even be executed as microservices. In just the last couple of years, many IT software companies in Dubai popped up while many faded away. This means, beyond the ubiquitous world of opportunities that software brings, lies plenty of challenges to overcome in order to taste success.

However, software developers now have access to cutting-edge, sophisticated tools that help them deliver powerful software applications with microservice-focused designs rather than the tradition MVC/MVVM apps. Alongside SaaS, PaaS and IaaS, now stands XaaS (Anything as a Service), and one of the main contributors to this is microservice. Not all software companies in Dubai realized the significance of microservices yet, but with the world undergoing dynamic software and technology-driven changes, microservices would certainly be more looked at in the coming times. 

Technologies that made history

Microservices is but just one of the many technologies that contributed to the golden age of software today. One other disruptive technology worth mentioning is Docker. It was developed using Google’s Go language. Though the language didn’t get the expected welcome, Docker still made it big. Nevertheless, Go is rising in popularity owing to its concurrency management features, and its support for parallel computation.

Cross-platform tools and frameworks are worth mentioning too. With these technologies, apps now run on almost anything. Platform barriers have become thinner. The popular ones include Apache Cordova, Xamarin etc. The explosion in software development tools and services seem to accelerate the growth of enterprises that have been seeking IT solutions of varying requirements for so long. The software development UAE industry now witnesses the rise of startups offering innovative software solutions that work well with the cloud. Developers never had access to such a wide array of languages, tools, services etc. before. All that they need to do to get started is to pick a technology to write code.