What Enterprises Gain by Using Docker
What Enterprises Gain by Using Docker

Docker and ‘containerization’ in general is all the rage today, providing a plethora of benefits to an enterprise while popularizing the idea of using containers instead of virtual machines. Many software companies in Dubai shifted to using containers now to deliver products much faster than they used to. 

Docker, originally an open source project, is a platform that enables users to pack, distribute, and manage applications in containers. Essentially, application deployment is automated within containers by Docker. This also allows developers to package an application with every resource it needs including libraries and various dependencies, and deploy it all as a single package. This way, the software will run on any Linux machine which can be different from the machine where it was written and tested.

Main benefits for enterprises

Let’s get into the details.

Statistically, Docker adoption has been steadily increasing over the past few years. Large enterprises like Paypal, Spotify, ING, and many others use Docker. So there obviously should be many advantages to using it. 

Here are a few notable ones. 

ROI & cost savings

For a growing software development company, Dubai, Docker is ideal because of its ROI and cost saving nature. A solution that drives down costs while increasing profits is obviously considered a better solution than the rest. This is also why large enterprises go for Docker, using which they can ensure steady generation of revenue on the long term.

It saves costs by reducing infrastructure resources significantly. The application can be run with comparatively fewer resources, enabling organizations to save on server costs and maintenance costs. 


Docker containers essentially standardize the environment, while ensuring consistency across multiple development cycles. It facilitates repeatable development, test, and production environments. The standardization across the entire pipeline enables the entire team to work on the environment much more effectively and quickly which in turn translates to increased productivity. 


Docker allows users to take their own configuration and deploy it without hassle. The infrastructure requirements are no longer linked with the application’s environment when Docker is involved. This simplicity is another one of its advantages. 

Multi-cloud support

Over the years, popular cloud service providers realized the potential of Docker and added individual support for the platform. Docker containers can now run inside the likes of Amazon EC2 instance, Google Compute Engine instance etc. provided that it’s compatible with the host OS. 

The great advantage here is that a Docker container running on Amazon EC2 can be ported to a different environment without compromising consistency and functionality. Many companies today go for a combination of Microsoft Azure and Docker to provide enterprise application services.


Docker ensures that applications and resources are kept isolated and segregated while granting users complete control over the flow of traffic. One Docker container will remain unaware of the processes running inside another container. From a security point of view, this is indeed a great feature. 


Docker still has many more advantages in addition to the ones mentioned above. The developers of the platform proudly claim that it can run on any computer, any infrastructure, and in any cloud while granting great portability and flexibility to the enterprise. Add to it the fact that it also saves costs, Docker will certainly bring benefits to enterprises in more ways than one.