What if Your Good Web Host Turns Bad One Day?
What if Your Good Web Host Turns Bad One Day?

Finding a dependable web hosting provider is not as easy as it sounds. Many web owners are willing to research extensively to zero in on a web host that won’t fail their website. But even the best of hosting providers can go bad either after losing their most valuable in-house talent or running out of business. The good host you trust in may disappear out of the blue. Though the VPS hosting industry in Dubai has a lot of reliable hosting companies, some of them drop out of business every year.

This applies to every kind of web hosting across the globe, including hosting on the cloud. Web owners should be prepared for such a scenario by putting up defenses to shield themselves from the consequences of their web host’s bad actions. Many firms in the cloud hosting Dubai sector keep getting overshadowed by bigger sharks in the market. 

The smaller hosts running out of business puts the hosted businesses at risk. There would certainly be downtime involved while the host finds a replacement host or while the website owners themselves are left to find a new host. Such a scenario can be detrimental to online businesses. 

Due to all the risks involved should such a problem arise, it’s better to keep the following things in mind. 

Never register your domain with your web host

Some web hosts may offer free domain registration service as a complementary add-on to their hosting solution while some others offer it as a paid add-on pitching it as more convenient for the web owners. The smart idea here is to register the domain with a reputed domain registrar instead of registering it with the web host. 

It’d be easier for the web owner to migrate to a different hosting company if the domain is registered with a different registrar. Otherwise, the web owner may have to wait for the hosting company to release the domain. 

Make sure to go for a hosting provider offering long trial periods

Guarantees from a web host indicate that they are trustworthy. Long trial periods can be considered as a guarantee as it shows that the hosting company is confident in the quality of their hosting service. There are a few companies that offer ‘Anytime Money-back Guarantee’. 

Avoid hosting companies with blacklisted IPs

A blacklisted host could mean that your emails would never reach their intended recipients. This reason alone is enough to avoid hosting companies with blacklisted IPs. A hosting company with a blacklisted IP also spells unreliability. If you’ve only found out that your web host has blacklisted IPs, it’s best to start migrating to a different web host if you don’t want this issue to harm your business. 

Regularly back up your website

Regardless of where the website is hosted, backing up the website regularly is a good practice for the website’s well-being. This ensures that the web owner always has the most recent version of the site’s files and assets should the host suddenly close up shop. 


Enterprise cloud computing solutions have become popular today, and many organizations rely on the cloud for hosting websites. But even the cloud shouldn’t be taken for granted. 

If you run a business website but don’t think that web hosting is that big a deal, you could be in for a rude awakening when your website business suffers due to bad hosting. For an online business, the website is its persona; its address. If the website performs poorly, there won’t be a lot of visitors. If the website goes down occasionally, its search ranking suffers and people won’t find it easily. All of these can end up harming the business through that website.